The Green Giant Arborvitae, also known as Thuja ‘Green Giant,’ is a magnificent conifer evergreen tree that boasts a dense, pyramidal habit. This hybrid cultivar of T. plicata and T. standishii is a cross between the western red cedar and Japanese arborvitae and was developed in Denmark in the 1930s. This tree is a popular choice for landscaping due to its versatility, low-maintenance, and uniform growth habit, requiring little to no pruning to maintain its attractive pyramidal shape.
This hardy tree is adaptable to a variety of soils and tolerates periodic drought, deer, and most diseases and insects. However, it does not tolerate salt spray or salty soils. In optimal growing conditions, it can grow up to 3-4 feet per year, reaching a mature height of 40-60 feet and width of 12-18 feet, with a lifespan of 40-60 years.
The Green Giant Arborvitae has dark green sprays of small, glossy, scale-like needles that retain their deep green color through the winter. This tree does best in a moist, full-sun location with light afternoon shade. Its persistent 0.5-inch, oblong green cones turn brown when matured, adding visual interest year-round.
This tree is versatile in its use, serving as a specimen, hedge, or screen. Groupings, planted more closely together, are also used as windbreaks or to reduce noise. It is recommended to plant a group of three Green Giant arborvitae and mix with other screening trees to avoid creating a monoculture in the event of a disease outbreak. Hardy in zones 5-8, this tree is a popular evergreen choice for landscapes in the southeast U.S. and is an excellent alternative to Leyland Cypress.
In conclusion, the Green Giant Arborvitae is a stunning evergreen tree that is easy to grow and maintain, making it a perfect addition to any home landscape. Its dense, pyramidal habit, glossy foliage, and year-round interest make it an attractive choice for a variety of applications, including hedges, screens, and windbreaks.