Barry GoodknightFebruary 20, 2025Blog,Fruit Bushes,Uncategorized, Current fruit bush availability: Osage Blackberry Lawton Blackberry Navaho Thornless Blackberry Boeing Raspberry Thornless Raspberry Lathan Raspberry Heritage Raspberry Ives Grape Concord Grape White Grape Pink Lemonade Blueberry Powder Blue Blueberry Jewell Black raspberry Cumberland Black Raspberry Prelude Red Raspberry Earliglow Strawberry Johns Elderberry $5 each or: 10 for $40 ($4 each)20 for $70 ($3.50 each)50 for $165 ($3.30 each)100 for $275 ($2.75 each)500 for $1,000 ($2.00 each)1000 for $1,700 ($1.70 each)Current fruit tree availability:(all trees are $40) Stayman Apple TreeGala Apple TreeHonesycrisp Apple TreeBelle of Georgia Peach TreeMoonglow Pear Tree Previous Post Best types of apple trees to grow in Oklahoma (zone 6-8)